Industry based on tradition

SCHAUENBURG Industrial Engineering Group is part of the SCHAUENBURG INTERNATIONAL Group. This rapidly-growing family firm soon discovered industry as its own market and has remained faithful to this direction. Two independent and successful divisions have been created from the Group: SCHAUENBURG INTERNATIONAL and SCHAUENBURG TECHNOLOGY.
SCHAUENBURG acts as a holding company that concentrates on industrial companies. The focus is on profitable, professionally run businesses specialising in niche technologies. With its established tradition and progressive direction, SCHAUENBURG is a modern, globally-orientated group.

Visit the corporate website of the Schauenburg International holding company.

In their day-to-day business the associated companies operate by and large independently and are supported as required by SCHAUENBURG and further developed within the Group. Synergies within the Group are deliberately exploited. New products are developed and additional markets opened up.

  • Family firm – traditionally tied to industry
  • Group with two independent subgroups:
  • Holding company with global orientation
  • Five divisions: Electronic Technologies, Plastics Processing, Engineering, Industrial Technology and Hose Technology
  • Focus on successful medium-sized companies

Sustainability is one of our central principles. Processes that use resources sparingly and the reduction of emissions are very important to us. Throughout the world, many of our products contribute to saving energy, reducing operating costs, protecting the environment, making areas of work safer and facilitating the best medical care. But sustainability means more than that. So our goal is to justify anew the confidence of our customers and partners daily by the highest standards of product and manufacturing quality.